Effective treatment normally requires coordination with a multi-disciplinary team of professionals who can assess the patient at each stage of their recovery, and discuss / agree the most appropriate on-going treatment approaches, It is for this reason that the top international rehab centres employ a mix of clinical staff who can provide a full range of different therapeutic approaches.


Although it is technically correct to say that treatment usually starts with detox, a key question for an effective treatment journey is to ask how soon into the suffering does that detox take place. That can often be the key to successful outcomes. Most people and, subsequently their loved ones, often suffer needlessly and for too long as their problems go unnoticed and untreated.   Quite simply, as with all health concerns, the earlier that treatment starts, the more effective and long-lasting that treatment will be.    The very best treatment providers, therefore, will offer opportunities for people suffering from addictions and other behavioral health disorders to meet with members of staff and, when requested, provide assessment and guidance. They should also be willing to offer a discreet tour of their services and be open to working with those already involved in the healthcare of each person. Individuals or family members of sufferers should always ask professionals if they are willing to co-operate with services they already know and trust. This will give you an important insight into the quality of that service itself. Effective care is the result of professionals, individuals and family members working together at a multi-disciplinary level. The very best clinics, such as WER International, who were designed to maximize cooperative working practices, will be unafraid of the concept of sharing and working with others as they will be confident in their practices and unafraid of ‘competition’ from other professionals.   

Need for Long Term Care  

Another important aspect of treatment for addictions and other behavioral health problems such as Eating Disorders and depressive or anxiety disorders is that they are not acute, short-term problems, but ones that require ongoing support, sometimes over many years. At this juncture, support ought to broaden, not only to include good aftercare and ongoing therapy, but also to embrace physical, spirtual and mental wellbeing, nutrition, occupational therapy, education and, most important of all, the building of a powerful support network. This may include mutual aid groups such as the Anonymous Fellowships, but also requires that early treatment take place under the care of professionals and services with strong aftercare programs and an appetite to continue to stay in touch with you long after residential treatment. The attitude of professionals and services, in this context, is as important as the qualifications of the professionals themselves.   Residential and Outpatient Care   For some people, outpatient care is simply not enough, no matter how well the providers of such treatment are co-operating at a multi-disciplinary level. Some people simply need to to get away from it all and immerse themselves in high quality residential care. Somewhere where they can have intensive, quality treatment during the most vulnerable first few days or weeks. Somewhere safe. Somewhere where they cannot drink or take drugs or hide behind their symptoms. When this is the best or only option, the environment of the clinic itself is a key factor. People need to feel comfortable and nurtured in a place that feels like the beginning of a new and exciting chapter of their lives.

There are such organizations, such as WER International, who operate high quality boutique clinics around the world, in response to this recognized need.

WER International (London, Kerala, Florida) Consultants

Dr Easmon, Harley Street

Dr Charlie Easmon

Primary Care Physician