Medical Qualifications

Mr David Gault graduated from Edinburgh University in 1977, and trained in Plastic Surgery in London. He undertook higher surgical training in Paris, California, and Tokyo.

Medical Experience and Training

In 2006 Mr Gault set up the London Centre for Ear Reconstruction and now works soely in private practice. He is a Visiting Professor and an international authority on lasers and ear deformity further to his development of a new Depilation Laser for hair removal, Plasma Skin Regeneration technology to improve ageing skin and was responsible for the invention of the Ear Buddy, a device to correct children’s prominent ears at birth.

Mr Gault has a specialist interest in correcting failed plastic surgery and carries out a wide variety of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery.

Mr David Gault's Places of Practice


The Wellington Hospital

Wellington Place
St Johns Wood

Articles written by Mr David Gault
  • An end to pinnaplasty

    Advances in surgery will filter down slowly, but eventually, and if they are good, they change the way we all practice. We now insert coronary stents rather than pore for hours over vein grafts, and the appendix can be removed through the mouth using an endoscope. Time will tell, but for the time being, appendicectomy is a standard first operation for junior surgical trainees, and one of the first procedures they do alone. Setting back the ears remains plastic surgery's appendicectomy, but is it really safe, and why are we not avoiding it altogether when non-surgical correction has been around for over 20 years?

    Read full article
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